The Openstad version of ApostropheCMS

We have bundled the ApostropheCMS as an Openstad CMS local npm package. This package lives in the packages/cms folder and the modules are overrideable just like ApostropheCMS modules. Create the files you want to override directly under lib/modules.

This is a core feature of the ApostropheCMS and because of the way we bundled it works for both the ApostropheCMS modules and the Openstad modules. Apostrophe's module pattern

For now treat it as a local NPM package, in the future this will be moved to an external NPM package (@openstad/cms).

There are multiple ways to add or modify modules. It depends on what you want to achieve and how you run the project.

1. Add new module to the root project in lib/modules:

  • Create new module in lib/modules

  • Create index.js file in you modules folder (e.g. lib/modules/custom-module/index.js), example:

module.exports = {  
  label: 'custom module',
  construct: function(self, options) {
  • Add the new module to your project in the index.js:

var apos ={
  bundles: ['@openstad/cms'],
  // See lib/modules for basic project-level configuration of our modules
  // responsible for serving static assets, managing page templates and
  // configuring user accounts.

  modules: { 
    'custom-module': {}

2. Override existing Openstad or Apostrophe module To override or extend an existing module you can add the files under lib/modules. **example: If you want to modify the html of the agenda-widgets you only need to create the lib/modules/agenda-widgets/views/widget.html file and you're free to change the html structure.


<div id="{{data.widget.containerId}}" class="agenda">

<div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="for">

  <div class=" {{'agenda-period' if (item.period === true) or (item.period === 'period') else 'agenda-day' }}">
      <h3> {{item.title | sanitize | safe}} </h3>

<div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="if">





Override/extend for example the section-widgets: lib/modules/section-widgets/index.js

module.exports = {
  construct(self, options) {
    const superGetContentWidgets = self.getContentWidgets;

    self.getContentWidgets = (req) => {
      const contentWidgets = superGetContentWidgets(req);

      contentWidgets['custom-content-widget'] = {
        readOnly: false,
        edit: true,

      return contentWidgets;

Override/extend a javascript module file lib/modules/resource-form-widgets/public/js/map.js

apos.define('resource-form-widgets', {
    construct: function(self, options) {
       console.log('do something special');

3. Create a standalone module and install this as a npm dependency

It's also possible to make your own standalone packages for the Openstad project. You need to create a package and publish it to npm and add the dependency in your package.json.

For more information please refer to the Apostrophe documentation:

4. Create a Pull request in the openstad/cms package if you want to change something directly in the core module: Everyone is invited to contribute to the @openstad/cms core package. contribute

Last updated