Email settings

The API sends a few type of e-mails.

Confirmation after submitting an Idea or Article

After submitting an idea or an article an automatic Thank you e-mail is send to the user that submitted it.

By default this is a generic e-mail template. This can be customised per site in the config field of the Site model.

  "config": {
    "cms": {
      "url": "URL VAN DE WEBSITE"
    "ideas": {
      "feedbackEmail": {
        "from": "NAAM <EMAIL@ADDRESS>",
        "subject": "ONDERWERP",
        "inzendingPath": "/PATH/NAAR/INGEDIEND/PLAN/[[ideaId]]",
        "template": "Beste {{user.fullName | default('indiener')}},<br/><br/>Bedankt voor je <a href=\"{{inzendingURL}}\">inzending</a>.<br/><br/>Groeten van het Project Team"

Template uses the nunjucks templating engine, the following variables are available in the template:

  • user: user object that created the Idea (see rest API for properties)

  • idea: newly created Idea object (see rest API for properties)

  • HOSTNAME: Hostname url of the site, same as site.config.cms.hostname

  • SITENAME: Name of the site, same as site.title

  • URL: URL of the site, sames as site.config.cms.url,

  • EMAIL: from adres (email only),

  • inzendingURL: The url leading to the path, warning path should be set correctly in the config since CMS can change the page: site.config.cms.url + site.config.ideas.feedbackEmail.inzendingPath.replace(/[[ideaId]]/,,

Notifications to Moderators

Notifications can be send to moderators to let them know if ideas and arguments have been created or edited on their site.

The e-mail template is also configurable per site:

  "config": {
    "notifications": {
      "from": "NAAM <EMAIL@ADDRESS>",
      "to": "NAAM <EMAIL@ADDRESS>",
      "inzendingPath": "/PATH/NAAR/INGEDIEND/PLAN/[[ideaId]]",
      "template": "<div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="if"><div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="for">{{idea.title}}</div></div><div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="if"><div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="for">{{arg.description | nl2br | safe}}</div></div>",
        "attachments": [{ filename: "FILENAME1", "cid": "CID1" }, { filename: "FILENAME2", "cid": "CID2" }]

The notifications are bundles and send periodically so arguments and ideas are an array.

Template uses the nunjucks templating engine, the following variables are available in the template.

  • data.idea: an array van idea objecten, met de user included, en een

  • inzendingURL per idea

  • data.argument: een array van argument objecten, met de user en idea included

  • HOSTNAME: Hostname url of the site, same as site.config.cms.hostname

  • SITENAME: Name of the site, same as site.title

  • URL: URL of the site, sames as site.config.cms.url

Last updated